Friday, January 05, 2007

I finally got my drivers license two day's after Christmas at the age of 40.
I know I should have gotten it after I turned 16.
NOW I don't even drive because either it's raining or it's too dark
or both.
"B" wont let me, I don't know why.
He said "now you can go get Milk at CVS"
to me what's the point by the time he want the
car to warm up I would have been back by walking, we just live around the corner from CVS.
Anyway I'm GLAD I have my DRIVERS LICENSE!!!
Otherwise I would be working in the Classroom with a teacher that doesn't know how to teach.


At 5:23 PM, Blogger alli-gal said...

WOOOO HOOO!! It's time for a party!!! I knew you could do it Rosie!!! I'm proud of you :-)

At 6:56 AM, Blogger Andrea said...

Never let a man tell you what you can and can't do. That's my advice for the day! :)

At 6:58 AM, Blogger Andrea said...'s so easy to keep a drivers licenses now that you have it. All you have to do is remember when the stupid thing expires (which I usually forget) and pass their goofy eye test and waaaaalaaaaa, you've got your licenses renewed!


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