Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Yesterday October 2, 2006 at 9:43 a.m. my mom's 62nd birthday the boss calls me to the office.

She wants me to go to a classroom for a teachers' aid because she got hurt and she had to go to Med 1 to get checked out.

In the same sentence I felt I was threatened with my job.

She said "I got your memo and if you don't get your licence at the time YOU said you were going to ( I don't ever remember saying a time) your floater job will NOT be yours and I will put you in a classroom". Now to me I was threatened.

She probably didn't mean it come out the way it did, but it did. I really didn't have time to react exept to cry a little because I had to go to a classroom.

If it come to me quiting it will be because of the classroom. (I NEVER wanted to be in a classroom the whole time, that is why I like being a Floater going classroom to classroom).

They want to put me in with a teacher that acts like the school setting is a daycare and she does't care if these kids learn anything only about herself. I do NOT want to be in that calssroom at all!


At 6:02 PM, Blogger Andrea said...

Didn't she tell you that you had to get it by a certain date? Did you say ok when she said that to you? Maybe that's what she means by you saying a date. Basically you agreed to a date.

It sounds like she's getting frustrated waiting for you to get your licenses.

I know Brent thinks you won't lose your job because you translate, but that's really a naive point of view. Are there really no other bilingual people in Kokomo?

Indiana is an "at will" work State. What that means is any of us can be fired at any time for any reason. Basically I could show up to work tomorrow, my boss could say she doesn't like my shoes and fire me and there's nothing I could do about it.

I'd take her frustration very seriously. If you are serious about keeping the job you currently have, you're going to have to show her that you are at least working on getting your license. That way she'll feel better and take some of the pressure off you.

At 8:50 AM, Blogger sela said...

Hey Rosie, Have you gotten your license yet? What's the latest with your job?? I have been out of the blogger loop for a while...just wondering how you're doing.

At 10:03 AM, Blogger enN2sp said...

I have to renew my permit and wait 60 days to take the drivers test then I'm set.

I haven't heard anything from my Boss yet.

But she gives me that look.


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