Saturday, September 02, 2006


To be honest I don't think B wants me to get my drivers licenses.
That way I would have to depend on him.

He wont take me out to practice he says "I'm too tired" or he says he will and forgets.

I just need to do it on my own even if I have to pay someone $300.00 to do it before October 20th.


At 7:44 PM, Blogger Andrea said...

Wow!!!! Brent might not want you to drive, but surely he would like you to have that independence so he wouldn't have to tote you everywhere you want to go.

Is he a control freak?

At 3:33 PM, Blogger enN2sp said...


At 3:26 PM, Blogger boneman said...

About painting a Blackfoot Indian.

Well, I guess if he was tied down and didn't know my address, I could give it a try.


I've never tried t'paint an ethnic painting before, but, then again, when I painted a picture of my dad, I think I found that he had a streak of indian running through him big time.

I liked the picture.
Rich didn't even recognize him, and, if left at that, I wouldn't have ever tried again.
However, a friend of mine came up from Fort Wayne once and saw the painting standing against the wall on the floor and said, "hey. You painted a picture of yer old"

So, here's how that goes.
either post the picture(s) y'have in mind, or better yet, e-mail em to Andrea and she'll e-mail em to me.
I'll paint whatever I paint, and if y'like 'em, cool.
If not, well, hey. I need the experience, anyway, eh?

At 4:17 PM, Blogger enN2sp said...

Kwel, I may do that. My Friend's Dad was half Black Foot and half some other Indian, I would like to get a picture of him and have him in Indian garb. Her dad passed about 6 or 7 years ago and I would like it for her birthday in February or next Christmas.

How much would you want for someting like that?

At 2:42 PM, Blogger boneman said...

not nearly as much as I should ask, because yer "family", ain'tcha?

At 9:05 AM, Blogger boneman said...

I don't actually know the branch of Andrea well enough, but, I know she favors ya, so that pretty much makes y'family.

The how much part has always been a hard one fer me t'figure well.
I'de say, first, let me paint the portrait, and see if it's even worth a plugged nickle (I still don't know what that means....)
and we'll go from there,
What say?

At 4:40 AM, Blogger Andrea said...

Rosie, what's going on with your drivers licenses?

At 5:03 PM, Blogger enN2sp said...


At 5:42 PM, Blogger Andrea said...

You have to make it happen yourself, girl.

At 4:39 PM, Blogger enN2sp said...

Yeah, But I can't afford $300.00 right now. That is how much one of these driving classes cost.

At 6:38 PM, Blogger Andrea said...

Remind Brent....."hey you told me you'd take me driving."

Don't let him off the hook.

I don't blame you for not wanting to pay $300 for classes. So if Brent won't cough that up, then make him take you driving. He doesn't have any other choice.

At 4:10 AM, Blogger enN2sp said...

easier said

At 1:48 PM, Blogger Andrea said...

I'm just afraid you're going to lose your job and you love that job!

At 8:20 PM, Blogger sela said...

Does he want you to lose your job?!

At 1:29 PM, Blogger alli-gal said...

B needs to help you, and if he won't, let's get ahold of eachother and I'll try to help you!!!

I don't know how much time you need on the road, but I'm very patient, and I have some free time a couple evenings a week and at least a couple hours most Saturdays.

I'm serious....if we don't answer our phone (883-8026) call Ryan's cell phone 419-2213...that's the best way to get ahold of me usually.

I'm totally serious Rosie...if you need help, call me.


At 12:49 PM, Blogger enN2sp said...

I'm Just going to pay for someone to teach me. It's just easier (for me and B).


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